For the love of Pinterest

Ok, so this blog is dedicated to my infatuation with Pinterest. Before Pinterest I didn’t know how to do much, now I can do a few things…LOL. I can do more than what I use to, we’ll leave it at that.
Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann summarized the company as a "catalog of ideas," rather than as a social network, that inspires users to "go out and do that thing. – This was taken from Wikipedia, but it explains the website perfectly.

Let’s begin with cooking. I’m not a cook, I’m not good at it and I don’t enjoy it, but not too long ago I decided to take a hard look at my finances. During this time I discovered just how much I was spending on meals. On lunch every day, on dinner every day, on going to dinner on weekends… IT WAS A LOT OF $$$. Again, not being fond of the kitchen, Pinterest had super easy, simple, cheap ideas for meals. Since then my bank account is grateful.

Let’s move on to makeup. I’m a girly-girl. I love makeup and everything that it encompasses. For most of my 20’s I didn’t know how to properly do my makeup (I would line my lips way darker than my actual lip color and had blonde streaks in my hair…I know, right…gross). Thanks to Pinterest now I know better, I’m not a makeup artist quality, but when it comes to foundation, eyeshadow and mascara I can hold my own.

Last but not least, working out. I’m as lazy as they come. I will watch an entire season of a show in one sitting. Working out is not a priority for me, but I also feel really crappy when I don’t move. Pinterest has awesome easy workouts that you can do WHILE watching TV!!!!!. I don’t know how much it’s doing to my body, but I do feel better knowing that I haven’t been immobile for an entire season of American Horror Story.

ICAN has a Pinterst page. Check it out!

Lupe - ICAN Coralville and Davenport Centers