Happy New Year - Resolutions and Reflections

I’ve never been a big fan of new-year resolutions. However, I am a fan of taking time at the end of each year to reflect on the year’s triumphs and defeats. The triumphs remind me of how far I have come from the previous year. The defeats remind me that persevering through the tough times have made me a stronger and better-rounded individual.

I struggled for many years after college to find my “perfect job.” I felt defeated over and over again as I really struggled to find something that I was passionate about. I went to four years of college thinking I would come out rich, successful and happy. I was beyond disappointed when my life was the furthest thing from being happy.  I still remember sitting in my car after my first full week of work, drenched in tears wondering to myself, “Is this how the rest of my life is really going to be?”

As I sit here typing and reflecting on this past year, I am so blessed to have a job I absolutely love coming to each day. I never thought I would be able to say that.  I am very fortunate to have such a great support system full of family and friends who have always had my back and pushed me to pursue my dreams.  When I look back at all of my defeats, they have lead me to some of my greatest triumphs. Each of my jobs after college landed me where I am today. It truly was through those difficult moments in my life that I discovered what I was capable of. Each of those set-backs have turned into some of my greatest comebacks.

If you are reading this today and can relate, I encourage you to meet with one of our success advisors to discuss career and college planning options. There are so many options out there, and each of us at ICAN have one thing in common- we truly enjoy helping others be successful!

Meghan - ICAN Hiawatha Center