What's Your Mindset? Is your attitude costing you?

There is a popular expression that has been used for centuries. I’m sure most of you have heard the phrase at some point in time throughout your life. The phrase is: Mind Over Matter.  Have you ever taken the time to reflect on that expression? Mind over matter… what does that really mean to you?

Everyone’s life consists of small moments that make up our life’s greatest and worst triumphs, defeats, goals, dreams and ambitions. Those small moments are what motivate us, what move us, and what drive us from point A to point B. They also determine the course of our life.

Let me ask you this. Do you let the defeats of life take you down, or do you let your setbacks become your greatest comebacks? I can tell you this; I have learned a lot more about myself through the setbacks in my life versus the triumphs in my life. Just two years ago, I was in a place in my life where I felt like everything was going wrong. I felt like everyone my age had it all figured out. Meanwhile, I felt anything but that. I was in a job that wasn’t utilizing my strengths or talents; I had several events in my personal life that made me feel stuck.  Perhaps, you can relate to this feeling. Maybe life’s challenges have you feeling defeated. It’s time to stop the negativity, and focus on the positives. Have you ever thought… maybe that dead-end job you hate going to every day is preparing you for a great new chapter?  Perhaps, the person sitting in the cubicle next to you is going to be your future business partner someday.

Thinking positive is not easy, but it’s necessary. It’s necessary if you want to succeed. Grow. Change. Evolve. Positivity is the key ingredient to becoming the best version of you. Mind over matter is a game changer.

What setbacks in your life can become your biggest comebacks? Remind yourself of all the things you do have instead of focusing on all of the things you don’t have. Changing your mindset will change so many facets of your life, and it  all starts with one small change… YOU!

Meghan - ICAN Hiawatha Center