Have you set any goals for summer? If not, it might be a good idea to sit down and think about what you want to accomplish. Maybe there’s a good book you’ve been wanting to read, or a number of books you want to read. Maybe you want to make enough money to save up for a purchase you’ve had your eye on. Take some time to create some measurable goals that you’d like to accomplish while you get a little break.
It’s never too early to start thinking about life after high school, either. Summer can be a great time to research colleges. Set up some campus visits at schools you think you might be interested in. Ask your friends who are home from college how their experiences are going. What do they like about where they’ve decided to go to college? What do they dislike? Are there things they wish they had done differently? It’s always wise to pick people’s brains who’ve had experiences that we haven’t had yet.
And remember, we’ll be here available at ICAN all summer long, as well. We’d love to have you come in and chat with us! Wherever you’re at in the process, whatever questions you have, we’ll do our best to answer your questions and get you pointed in the right direction! You can schedule an appointment by giving us a call at 877-272-4692, or by visiting www.icansucceed.org/apt.
Enjoy your break. Summer will go fast – it always does!