Many college fairs are now automated, which means exhibiting colleges will have scanners to take down prospective student information, rather than having your fill out an information card. Students register online and are given a barcode to bring to the fair. Any college they wish to receive additional information from can scan the barcode from their phone or a physical printout.
In Iowa, the college fairs utilize GoToCollegeFairs for the scanner system. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting your barcode for this year's events!
1. From your smartphone, go online to:
2. Scroll to: Register Now, It’s Free
3. Choose a State, Create a Username, Create a Password
4. Enter First Name, Last Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Cell Phone, Email, Birth Date
5. Student Type (High School/ Transfer), Find Your School, H.S. Graduation Year, When do you plan to begin college?
6. Academic Interest/ Intended Major(s), SAT Scores, ACT Scores, GPA
7. Provide Additional Information? This is optional. If you choose yes, you can provide:
a. Ethnicity, Extracurricular Activities, Varsity Sport
b. What is your class rank?
c. Did your parents attend college?
d. How did you hear about the fair?
8. Accept terms and conditions
9. I certify the I am 16 years of age or older, or that I have the permission of my parents to fill out this form.
10. Click Submit, and now you are registered!
At the college fair, share your barcode with colleges of your choosing. When you login again with your Username and Password, you can access the following:
- Edit Your Profile
- Reprint Your Pass
- Add More Fairs
- Download My Data
- Schools That Scanned Me
To learn about how to prepare for college fairs and to view a complete list of college fairs in Iowa visit