Leadership on Scholarship Applications

For those of you in the process of completing scholarship applications, you have probably noticed a popular topic come up over and over: LEADERSHIP. You may be asked to ……

“List activities that demonstrate community leadership and /or involvement.”


“Provide concrete examples of the effects of your leadership.”


“Highlight your main responsibilities and achievements as a leader.”

Leadership is one of those key elements scholarship committees will look for in an applicant. Scholarship judges may examine your activities and look for accomplishments in your leadership roles. Students, as you progress through high school please keep leadership positions in mind as this tends to catch the eye of scholarship committees.

Now, do you have to be the class president? No. Leaders are students that are actively involved in their cause and who can help or influence others. Examples can be as simple as participating on an athletic team, volunteering or partaking in community service, tutoring, organizing a youth group, school publications, or just anytime you worked on a team. At one point and time you were sure to take the lead on part of the project. Play up that aspect of the assignment and note how it contributed to the overall outcome.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to take a leadership role, I encourage you not to be shy and jump in! You will build self-confidence and improve your interpersonal skills.

 Jessica - ICAN Ankeny Center