Major Tips for success between college athletics and academics

Tip # 1: Time Management
Regardless of whether you’re a student athlete, this is a vital component of being successful in college and later on in life. In fact, the time management skills you develop as a student will be a huge indicator as to how well you manage your time as a professional and in other circumstances. Consequently, this skill is something we should always look to refine. Realize that as a student athlete, academics and athletics will consume the majority of your time.  At the end of the day, your ability to stay motivated will test your dedication to sports and the will to improve, making the obstacles you face worth the reward. 

Tip #2:  Acknowledge Your Responsibility
While you have a commitment to your team and coach, academics must always come first.  You should be a student first, an athlete second.   At the end of the day, athletics will always be an extracurricular activity and does not guarantee you an athletic career after graduation. Of course, some students do achieve this route, but it is simply not realistic to assume that athletics will be your gateway to a successful professional career.

Tip #3:  Determine Eligibility Requirements
Know and understand your college’s requirements to stay eligible on your campus and if you are an incoming freshman being recruited by a college know and understand what requirements you will need to be eligible to participate in college athletics at that college.  Always communicate with your academic counselor.  Use all of the resources on campus like admissions, advising offices, and coaches for help. 

Tip # 4:  Use your success centers on campus
Be assertive, know it’s o.k. to get help early in classes and often.  Procrastination is not going to help you.  Rather than waiting until you run into trouble with your professors, or your grades start to slip, become familiar with academic services. There’s no shame in referring to these services as such centers are equipped to address the needs of student athletes.
Lastly, some sports teams also offer their own academic benefits such as study groups and tutoring services. Enduring the challenges of balancing academics and athletics tends to be more bearable when utilizing the support of your teammates.

Tip # 5:  Protect Your Image and the college’s image
Understand, that because you are now a student athlete you  are the face of the college.  Just know that by being a student athlete on your campus you are the “Big Man on Campus” Everyone knows who you are and where you are at all times on campus.  Be smart on your social media outlets like twitter and facebook.  Remember, everyone is watching you!

Tip # 6:  Give Yourself Some Downtime
Try to get connected to your college campus in others realms outside of the sport you are playing.  It’s a great way to meet new people and this allows you to take a break from your normal routine.  It’s also a great way to meet new people and connect dots outside of your normal comfort zone on a college campus. 

Ryan Ronan

Ryan - Coralville ICAN Center