How to Make the Most of Your Summer Break

Summer break for college students is awesome because it is usually longer than high school and your parents might give you more freedom. Use the summer break to take a break, work, or have fun. Summer break is also a good time to prepare for your career. What do I mean by preparing for your career? First, start working on your resume or fine tuning it because internships and jobs are right around the corner. Think about doing job shadows or internships. This can usually give you a leg up into getting a job and also give you an idea if this career is a good fit.

Use the summer to create a budget (of course work with your parents). Having a budget is a great way for money management and hopefully reducing your debt in the long run. If you're living near your college stop in the financial aid office or come to an ICAN center and we can also help you create a budget!

Lastly, Use the summer break to prepare for the next school year. Make sure you have your loans, payment plan, or money lined up early or mid-summer so you don't panic at the start of the school year. Make sure housing and all your housing furniture are ready to go. If you have a vehicle get it tuned up because it can be hard during the school year. These are just a few things to keep in mind during the summer!

Sean - ICAN Orange City & Sioux City Centers