Heading Back to School

Whether you are heading back to high school or college, August brings about an exciting opportunity for a fresh start and new experiences.
As you start planning for your new academic year it’s good to set goals for the year – similar to a New Year’s Resolution. These goals can focus on academics, social, or personal – anything that helps you get closer to your future.

An important aspect of the new school year is ensuring that the courses you are taking are still in line with your ultimate goals.
If you’re in high school you want to make sure your classes following your four-year plan and are preparing you for your next steps – either college admission preparation and requirements or suited to the career field that interests you.
If you’re in college you want to make sure your classes are meeting your program or major requirements for graduation.
Talk with your school counselor or academic advisor to make sure you’re on track or to make adjustments.

Job Shadows & Internships
Now is a great time to make some plans for a job shadow or internship. This will help guide you through your career preparation and exploration, and provide you with great experiences. In high school these experiences can tell you if a career is a good fit. In college these experiences can lead to networking connections and potential job offers, not to mention the hands-on experience you gain before graduation.

All work and no play is never a good idea. Make sure you are getting involved in school life. In high school extracurricular activities will boost your resume for scholarships and admissions and provide you with experiences that enhance your social skills. In college you need some time outside the classroom to decompress and try new things. Campus activities are the best way to explore new interests and try new things. Look into campus clubs, intramurals, and events and join in the fun.
All these things lead to a well-rounded year and a step closer to your future. Reflect and pick goals for both your academic and social life and welcome this new year with open arms.

Brittania - ICAN Hiawatha Center