April is a tricky month - you're feeling close to the end of the year and the glimpses of warmer weather make you long for summer break - but you still have nearly two months of school left. While it can be hard to stay focused as the weather turns and we long for the outdoors, there's a lot you can do this month to prepare for the future.
First a tip for everyone - No matter what grade you are in, every class and every grade matter. Your GPA won't realize you were distracted by the sunshine and give you a break. If you skip classes or miss a test your grades will show and that could impact scholarship and admission opportunities. Focus on finishing the year strong. You'll have a better summer if you aren't taking a summer class to make up for missing things now.
Freshmen - You've almost made it through your first year of high school. Now that you know what it's all about it's time to start thinking about what comes next. Take a career assessment and talk to your school counselor about ways to explore the careers that align with your interests. Consider a job shadow this summer and make some connections with a local business.
Sophomores - April is a great time to check out a career and college planning seminar with ICAN (stream from any device at any time), and to start having some conversations about where you see yourself after high school. Talk with your parents about your options after high school. If college is on your mind, talk about a budget or financial plan.
Juniors - April is a great time to schedule some campus visits, look at scholarships for juniors, and get registered for the ACT of SAT tests in June. You can also think about summer job shadows or internships - talk to you school counselor about opportunities available to students in your area.
Seniors - April is a busy month for seniors! Decision day is May 1 so this is the month you need to analyze your options and decide what you are going to do next year. If you haven't received your award letters yet you should in the next week or two. Check in with colleges you haven't heard from.
Once you have all your award letters compare the aid and determine which is the best fit for your career colleges and your college budget. Send in your paperwork by May 1 to the college you are planning to attend and let the other colleges know you won't be coming. There are also scholarships you can continue to apply for to boost your aid for next year. Visit www.icansucceed.org/scholarships to get started.
And remember, if you have any questions about the planning process connect with ICAN at once of our centers, chat with us online through our website, or give us a call at 877-272-4692.
Brittania Morey - ICAN Hiawatha Center