FAFSA Time - A Parent's Reflection

It's getting toward October 1 which means it's time to file the FAFSA for the 2020-2021 school year. 

I remember back in the day filing my kids FAFSA via a paper copy and sending it through the mail and having to wait forever to get the results back. Now the system is way better with online submissions, using  prior-prior taxes, and having help file through one of ICAN's FAFSA completion programs! 

My oldest son headed off to a Regent school while my youngest enrolled at a private school. Both schools were a perfect fit for their individual needs, goals, and career aspirations.

The hardest part of the college process for me as a parent was dropping them off at the doorstep of their dorms for the first time. I had so many unanswered questions. Are they going to like their roommate, how will they do with their new found freedom, will they actually study and get out of bed for class? 

Students need to realize that it’s tough on Mom and Dad too! On that first college drop off day, your parents will want to help you get settled into your new space. Let them!  Once you’ve unpacked and get your room organized, take them out for lunch/dinner. It will make everyone feel more comfortable when you say good-bye.   

As a parent, it definitely takes some time to readjust to not having them at home but eventually it gets better. Students, be sure to keep in touch with your family, parents will love to get a text/call/facetime whenever you need a boost or just need to talk!

Have fun with the college process, you’ve done your part in preparing your student thus far, so now it’s time to sit back-relax, and watch them take the next step in their lives. 

Cindy - ICAN Hiawatha Office