Make the Most of a College Rep Visit to your High School

Did you miss the spring college fairs? Not to worry! College admission reps are once again making their way around the state and stopping at your high school.

Contact your counselor for the list of colleges popping in. Your high school may post this information on the counselor bulletin boards, on the website, your school’s social media accounts, or include them in the daily announcements.

Unlike a college fair, a college admissions rep’s visit to a high school typically involves a much smaller group of students and is far less hectic. The visit is led by the rep, usually in the counselor’s office or meeting room, starting with general information about the school and then you may ask follow up questions. In this relaxed and familiar setting you will have a chance to meet face-to-face with a rep and feel comfortable asking specific questions. So, have a list ready to go.

Think about topics and concerns that are important to you. For example, programs and majors offered, typical class size, residential life, student activities, scholarship availability and deadline.

Most colleges divide their admissions counselors by region, so chances are the person who visits your school will be your contact. Take the time to introduce yourself, especially if you’re a senior who’s planning to apply. Please take advantage of these visits. You want to keep the reps coming back to your high school every year. Make it worth their time as well!

Don’t forget about the Golden Circle College and Career Fair coming up Sunday, September 29th 12:30pm-3:00pm at Prairie Meadows Conference Center in Altoona. Learn more at

Jessica - ICAN Ankeny Center