Job Shadows & Internships - A Chat with an Intermediary Network Coordinator

Natalie Harris is the Intermediary Network Coordinator at Iowa Western Community College. She was kind enough to be interviewed about her job and the crucial role she plays in helping high school students in the career decision making process.

What does an Intermediary Network Coordinator do?The Iowa Intermediary Network Coordinators connect school districts, students, and educators to employer partners through work-based learning experiences. Our work provides opportunities for students and educators to interact with industry professionals and to connect today’s students to future careers through high-quality, real-world experiences. We connect students and educators with job shadows, worksite tours, classroom speakers, educator externships, and other career exploration activities.

How do job shadows and internships help students in the career decision making process?Work-based learning experiences such as job shadows and internships allow students to better understand how to align their career goals and interests with post-secondary decisions. Students will have a better understanding of career pathways, education requirements, skills needed, and even what a day on the job looks like! Experiences can involve multiple career pathways, or can involve multiple perspectives on a single industry.

How many people around the State of Iowa are there in your job and where are they located?The state is comprised of 15 regional intermediary networks, located in each of the 15 Iowa community college regions. Each regional network has at least one coordinator, however, some programs have 2 or more staff. You can view a map of the community college regions and networks here:

How does a student access your services?You can visit our Iowa Intermediary Network website, To find the coordinator in your region of the state, simply click on the ‘Contact Us’ tab on the top right of the page. From there, type in your zip code and you’ll instantly have your regional coordinator’s phone number, email address and local website.

Thank you Natalie for this great information and the important role you play to help students explore careers for their future.

Steve - ICAN Council Bluffs Center