Dear Class of 2020

I know this isn’t how you thought the spring semester of your senior year was going to go. I know that, like a lot of us, you thought we’d be “back to normal” after spring break. The world as we know it has changed…once again. You were likely born while we were still grieving 9/11. You probably started school in 2007, 1 yr. before the housing market crash of 2008. And now, COVID-19 has impacted the world in a way we never imagined.

Please know this, you are resilient and however you feel right now, it’s valid. If you’re angry, scared, sad, frustrated, bored etc. it’s ok. Everything that is happening right now is very surreal and you are allowed to feel however you want. You didn’t get to go to prom, you didn’t get to participate in spring sports/activities, and you’re not getting a traditional graduation; you deserved better. 

Nonetheless, we are all very proud of how far you’ve come. Even though things are crazy you should also take a moment to realize that you are also blessed. If you’re alive, healthy, have food, a home, a family, you are blessed. You will go on to do great things, you are resilient and you are not alone. 

From everyone at ICAN, congratulations class of 2020. We see you.