ICR Future Virtual Career and College Fair - Coming March 28 to a Device Near You

Spring semester is an exciting time in high school as you make plans for next year's classes and begin thinking about what life after high school might look like.

A great way to really explore the options available after high school is the ICR Future Virtual Career & College Fair on March 28 from 1-3 pm. This is a virtual fair meaning students from across Iowa can access colleges and universities from across the country, as well as career and planning resources, all in one place online from the comfort of home.

There are so many things to consider when deciding what you want to do in life and picking a career that fits you and a college or training program that provides you the right path is extremely important.

This is why this event is so great for high school students and parents - it's all in one place.

No matter what you think you want to do after high school - get a job, train for a career, go to a community college or get a four-year degree, or take part in military training - this fair will provide every student the opportunity to explore every option.

Step one is finding your passion and what fits your personality and life goals. Through career assessments you can identify a career pathway filled with opportunities that are perfect for you.

A career pathway is just an organizational system that lumps similar careers or careers that have similar traits together. Exploring a pathway may lead you to careers you didn't know exist but are a perfect fit.

At ICR Future you can talk to career planning experts to discover which of the six career clusters and 16 career pathways fit you and learn about future opportunities within those areas including what employers look for in their employees, what careers are really like, and what education or training program is required.

Education & Training
Once you have your pathway you need to find the education or training program that will help you get to the career you want. This is the second step in our virtual platform exhibitors at ICR Future.

Colleges and universities from across the country, along with registered apprenticeships, and military programs will have live representatives you can talk to through virtual meetings rooms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Just click the link in the virtual booth of the organization you want to talk to and you'll be welcomed into the space by a live representative who can answer all your questions.

Student Support
We will also have exhibitors on had that specialize in supporting students through this process - from helping with future planning, preparing for college, career planning, or understanding a college budget, our Student Services exhibitors are a great resource to help you get where you want to go.

How to Participate
The fair is March 28 from 1- 3 pm online. To gain access to the virtual fair, students must register. A link to the platform will be emailed. If you register the day of the fair, you will be immediately redirected to the online fair upon submission of your registration form.

This fair is perfect for any high school student who is ready to begin the exploration and planning process for life after high school, but especially for juniors who should be exploring colleges and programs in preparation for senior year. 

To learn more about the fair, see a list of registered exhibitors, or to register to attend visit www.icansucceed.org/icrfuture.

Ways to Prepare
On Wednesday, March 24 at 5 pm ICAN will host a webinar on Exploring Colleges which will cover topics like navigating campus visits, college fairs, and virtual tours. The ICR Fair will be touched on.
To learn more and register for this free event click here. You can also visit www.icansucceed.org/collegefairs for additional tips.

Brittania - ICAN Hiawatha Center