Election Day is November 6,
2018: Are you registered to vote? If not,
you can register online at www.sos.iowa.gov. Click on “Register to Vote” on the main page, if you have
a current Iowa driver’s license or non-operator ID, click on “Online Voter
Registration” and follow the instructions. Or, you can download a Voter
Registration Form, print, complete, and return it to your local County Auditor.
College students have a few different options when it comes to
casting your vote. If you are registered to vote in your hometown, you can cast
an absentee ballot through the mail. You can typically request an absentee
ballot from your home county’s website. You can also change your voter
registration to the county where your college is located. But you can’t be
registered to vote in both your hometown and college town.
update your voter registration visit https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/voterinformation/updatereg.html or there may be opportunities to
change on your college campus. Once you’ve changed your registration, you are
all set to vote! Make sure to check in with the county auditor’s office to find
the location of your polling place or check online at https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/voterreg/pollingplace/search.aspx . Many college campuses will
also offer opportunities for early voting. If you’re not sure what your
schedule will be like on Election Day, early voting is a great way to go. Make
sure to figure out and plan ahead of time to cast your vote!
If you are an Iowa resident attending an out-of-state college and
you want to vote in your college town, you will be subject to the laws of the
state where you attend school.
Need a reminder to vote, register to vote or request an absentee
ballet? Go to: www.myiowavote.com and sign-up!
Want your voice heard? VOTE!
Cindy - ICAN Hiawatha Center