ICR Future Career & College Fair Coming to Cedar Rapids March 31

Spring semester is an exciting time in high school as you make plans for next year's classes and begin thinking about what life after high school might look like.

A great way to really explore the options available after high school is the ICR Future Career & College Fair - a new event coming to Cedar Rapids on March 31.

There are so many things to consider when deciding what you want to do in life and picking a career that fits you and a college or training program that provides you the right path is extremely important.

This is why this event is so great for high school students and parents - it's all in one place.

No matter what you think you want to do after high school - get a job, train for a career, go to a community college or get a four-year degree, or take part in military training - this fair will provide every student the opportunity to explore every option.

Step one is finding your passion and what fits your personality and life goals. Through career assessments you can identify a career pathway filled with opportunities that are perfect for you.

A career pathway is just an organizational system that lumps similar careers or careers that have similar traits together. Exploring a pathway may lead you to careers you didn't know exist but are a perfect fit.

At ICR Future you can talk to businesses representing the six career clusters and 16 career pathways and learn about future opportunities, what they look for in their employees, what careers are really like, and learn what education or training program is required.

Education & TrainingOnce you have your pathway you need to find the education or training program that will help you get to the career you want. This is the second part of our exhibit space at ICR Future.

We will have a room filled with colleges and universities from across the country, along with registered apprenticeships, and military programs so you can talk to everyone and find the right option for you.

Student SupportWe will also have exhibitors on had that specialize in supporting students through this process - from helping with future planning, preparing for college, career planning, or understanding a college budget, our Student Services exhibitors are a great resource to help you get where you want to go.

Breakout SessionsThe final piece of the ICR Future Fair that is extremely exciting and beneficial for students and parents are the breakout sessions. There will be 20-25 minutes sessions running through the fair on career planning, job outlook, job shadows, internships, college planning and more. You will hear from professionals the best way to prepare for the future you want.

This is the first fair of it's kind in Eastern Iowa - bringing together career and college options. You  don't want to miss this opportunity.

The fair is March 31 from 12:30 - 3 pm at The Hotel at Kirkwood Center in Cedar Rapids right off  I-380. Come early and take part in breakout sessions, meet with businesses and educators and get started on your future plan!

To learn more and see a list of registered exhibitors visit www.icansucceed.org/icrfuture.

Brittania - ICAN Hiawatha Center