This year is a different year for me. Still helping many families fill out the FAFSA for the first time or renewal forms only in a different way this year with most being virtual. But that isn’t the difference I am talking about.
I have a high school senior son and I had to do the FAFSA form for the first time as a PARENT. I can’t believe how fast the time has flown. No way he should be old enough to need a FAFSA.
Woke up at 5:30am on Oct. 1st to complete his FAFSA form. Thought it would be a good “Practice” run before a day of helping other families do their FAFSAs. It did not take long as I knew what to have ahead of time: FSA IDs for both student/parent, 2019 tax info and W2s, Checking/Savings amounts, etc. For about the first time I can ever remember, there were no glitches!!!!
Just like most of you parents, I looked at the EFC (Expected Family Contribution) and laughed/cried at the same time. As I looked over the information, I realized this wasn’t just any other FAFSA appt or confirmation page. This was MY SON’S FAFSA results. A New Perspective.
This is another chapter in not only my son’s life but my own. Just like when the kids were born, go to Kindergarten, learn to drive, etc, completing the FAFSA seems to be another milestone that makes you sit back and reflect on where you are in life. To all you parents out there with high school seniors this year- GOOD LUCK and enjoy the ride. To the parents with younger students - enjoy the time you have with your kid, because time continues to go faster as they (and you) get older.