If you are looking to launch your college search, feel free check out ICAN’s Golden Circle College & Career Fair Virtual Lobby. The fair was held September 20th, but access to the virtual lobby will be available for a few more months: www.icansucceed.org/goldencircle. Many of the participating exhibitors in the virtual lobby have introductory videos and links to their websites. The introductory videos are usually brief, often lasting only 1-2 minutes, and they spark student interest by showcasing the campus, housing, student life, and the surrounding community.
You can learn a lot by researching on your own, but you will eventually want to connect with your admissions counselor. Admissions counselors are often assigned to specific high schools by territory, so you’ll want to visit a college or university’s Admissions webpage to find YOUR admissions counselor.
Often, you can schedule your virtual visit via an online app or form. As you schedule your virtual appointment, pay close attention to the appointment form. You might be asked several questions about your academic interests and background. Take your time answering the questions, and strive for accuracy. Before you submit your appointment form, review your grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Remember, you might want to apply, get accepted, and enroll in this institution, so try to make a great first impression by accurately completing your online form. For your virtual appointment, set aside enough time so that you do not feel rushed, and find an area inside your home where your interaction with the college admissions counselor won’t be interrupted. You might also want to have your parent(s) participate in your virtual visit. That’s up to you. As you are winding down your virtual visit, remember the contact information for your admissions counselor, and feel free to keep in touch with any questions that you might have. Also, consider taking part in other potential virtual events, including events that focus on college majors/ areas of study, careers, student involvement, and student life.
After completing your virtual visit, and depending on your level of interest, feel free to contact your admissions counselor with questions about scholarships, financial aid, and next steps. If you are ever interested in setting up a virtual appointment with ICAN, feel free to schedule an appointment at www.icansucceed.org/apt.
Thank you, and have a great school year!