– How do you do scholarships?

When I was a high school counselor I would have a lot of parents and students ask, “How do you do scholarships?”  I would give some common sense answers, but I never felt like I was really helping them very well.  Then I discovered is actually a free, non-credit scholarship course.  It was designed by Adam Carroll.  Adam is a financial literacy educator who spoke at my high school when I was a high school counselor.  He had a very common sense approach to money and scholarships.  His goal is for every student who uses his system is to be debt free when they finish college.  When he was a high school senior, Adam’s dad told him that for every dollar in scholarships he received, he would give him 50 cents.  Dad knew Adam was motivated by the extra dollars that he could get, so he went after scholarships aggressively. is free.  All you have to do is enter your first name and email address into the website, and you have access to four free videos online.  The videos are entitled: “Finding the Funding” (43 minutes);” Applying with Ease” (15 minutes); “Killer Essays” (34 minutes); and “Acing the Interview” (28 minutes).  It is not required to watch all four videos at one sitting.

Adam gives a lot of tips of how to find sources of scholarships and how to utilize parents to help with the work.  Of particular value is his instruction on writing a good scholarship essay by using mind mapping and how to structure an essay.  The “Acing the Interview” video is helpful for preparing for a scholarship interview, but it could also double as good instruction for a job interview as well.  He has a list of commonly asked questions in interviews along with a workbook that is available for download as organizers for the whole scholarship process.

Check it out!  If you are serious about minimizing student loans and maximizing your efforts in applying for scholarships, go to

Steve - ICAN Council Bluffs Center